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Public water supplies in central and north-central Texas

January 1, 1949

This report gives a summarized description of the public water supplies in 35 counties of central and north-central Texas, extending from the southern boundaries of Travis, Blanco, Gillespie, and Kerr Counties northward to the TexasOklahoma State line. It gives the available data as follows for each of the 145 communities: Population of the community; name of the official from whom the information was obtained; ownership of water works, whether private or municipal source of supply, whether ground water or surface water; the amount of water consumed; the facilities for storage; the number of customers served; the character of the chemical and sanitary treatment, if any; and chemical analyses of the water. Where ground water is used, the following is also given: Records of wells, including drillers' logs; character of the pumping equipment; yields of the wells, and records of water levels, if available.

Publication Year 1949
Title Public water supplies in central and north-central Texas
DOI 10.3133/wsp1069
Authors Raymond W. Sundstrom, W. L. Broadhurst, B.C. Dwyer
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water Supply Paper
Series Number 1069
Index ID wsp1069
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Texas Water Science Center
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