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Quality of ground water in Routt County, northwestern Colorado

January 1, 1980
Chemical and bacteriological data were collected to describe the quality of water from selected geologic units in Routt County, Colo. Calcium bicarbonate was the dominant water-chemistry type; magnesium, sodium, and sulfate frequently occurred as codominant ions. Specific conductance values ranged from 50 to 6,000 micromhos. Mean values of specific conductance, dissolved solids , and hardness from the sampled aquifers were generally greatest in waters from the older sedimentary rocks of the Lance Formation, Lewis Shale, Mesaverde Group, and Mancos Shale, and least in the ground waters from the alluvial deposits, Browns Park Formation, and the basement complex. Correlations of specific conductance with dissolved solids and specific conductance with hardness were found within specified concentration ranges. On the basis of water-quality analyses, water from the alluvial desposits, Browns Park Formation, and the basement complex generally is the most suitable for domestic uses. Chemical constituents in water from wells or springs exceeded State and Federal standards for public-water supplies or State criteria for agricultural uses were pH, arsenic, boron, chloride, iron, fluoride, manganese, nitrite plus nitrate, selenium, sulfate, or dissolved solids. Total-coliform bacteria were detected in water from 29 sites and fecal-coliform bacteria were detected in water from 6 of the 29 sites. (USGS)
Publication Year 1980
Title Quality of ground water in Routt County, northwestern Colorado
DOI 10.3133/wri80956
Authors Kenneth J. Covay, R.L. Tobin
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 80-956
Index ID wri80956
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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