The Solomon quadrangle adjoins the Bering Sea east of Nome, Alaska. It has a common west border with the Nome quadrangle (Sainsbury and others, 1972b) and a common north border with the Bendeleben 1:250,000- scale quadrangle.
Part of the area was mapped by Smith (1910), who discussed the rocks in some detail. The rocks mapped by Smith were remapped in 1971 along with the unmapped part of the west half of the Solomon quadrangle. Maps covering half the area of the present report have been issued in preliminary form at a scale of 1:63,360 (Sainsbury and others, 1972, 1972a). Consequently, only a brief text accompanies this map.
The east half of the Solomon quadrangle has been mapped by Thomas P. Miller, U.S. Geological Survey (unpublished). Mapping techniques of the various workers led to different maps and results; hence the map of the west half is presented only in preliminary form- a final compilation of the entire Solomon quadrangle may incorporate changes.