Reconnaissance for radioactive deposits was conducted in selected areas of eastern Alaska during 1952. Examination of copper, silver, and molybdenum occurrences and of a reported nickel prospect in the Slana-Nabesna and Chisana districts in the eastern Alaska Range revealed a maximum radioactivity of about 0.003 percent equivalent uranium. No appreciable radioactivity anomolies were indicated by aerial and foot traverses in the area.
Reconnaissance for possible lode concentrations of uranium minerals in the vicinity of reported fluoride occurrences in the Hope Creek and Miller House-Circle Hot Springs areas of the Circle quadrangle and in the Fortymile district found a maximum of 0.055 percent equivalent uranium in a float fragment of ferruginous breccia in the Hope Creek area; analysis of samples obtained in the vicinity of the other fluoride occurrences showed a maximum of only 0.005 percent equivalent uranium.
No uraniferous loads were discovered in the Koyukuk-Chandalar region, nor was the source of the monazite, previously reported in the placer concentrates from the Chandalar mining district, located. The source of the uranotheorianite in the placers at Gold Bench on the South Fork of the Koyukuk River was not found during a brief reconaissance, but a placer concentrate was obtained that contains 0.18 percent equivalent uranium. This concentrate is about ten times more radioactive than concentrates previously available from the area.