This report, prepared in cooperation with the South Dakota Department of Water and Natural Resources and the South Dakota Geological Survey, contains a tabulation of water levels measured by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and State agencies.
Wells owned by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) were measured as part of the Oahe Irrigation Project. Wells owned by the South Dakota Department of Water and Natural Resources, Water Rights Division (SDWR) were measured as part of a special program to monitor water levels in aquifers after a county study was completed, and contains measurements made by both USGS and by the SDWR.
Water-level measurements that were made by the USGS were made with a weighted steel tape and are reported to the nearest .01 foot. Measurements made by SDWR were made with a cloth tape and popper and are reported to the nearest 0.1 foot. Measurements that are reported each fifth day were taken from a recorder chart and are the water levels at noon on that day. Data from digital recorders are reported daily and are the water levels at noon. All water-level data are given in feet below land surface datum. For readers who may prefer to use metric units rather than inch-pound units, the term feet may be converted to meters by multiplying by 0.3048.
The data in this report are presented alphabetically by county and within counties by ascending local well number. Information about each well is contained in table 1 preceeding the water-level measurements (table 2). The short name or number above the altitude in table 2 is used as an easy office reference or in the case of wells owned by SDWR, it is their well identification number.