The U.S. Geological Survey has collected data on Oklahoma's ground-water resources since 1934. Most of these data were collected as part of specific ground-water studies conducted in cooperation with various Federal, State, and local agencies.
In 1972, at the request of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the Geological Survey undertook a study of the Garber-Wellington aquifer in northern Oklahoma and southern Logan Counties. As a part of this project, records of about 120 wells were collected and 12 samples of ground water from the aquifer were analyzed in the laboratories of the Geological Survey; these records are included in this report. In addition, records of about 302 wells and analyses of 60 water samples were taken from a report by Wood and Burton (1966) and from the files of the Geological Survey.
Also included in this report are selected references for those desiring more information on the area's ground-water resources.
The stratigraphic nomenclature and age determinations used in this report are those accepted by the Oklahoma Geological Survey and do not necessarily agree with those of the U.S. Geological Survey.
Acknowledgment is extended to the many hundred of individuals who have provided the data compiled in this report.