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Report of Committee on Runoff—1944–1945

October 5, 1946

The membership of the committee has been selected to afford good representation of geographic sections and of organizations engaged in runoff research. Some new members were added during the year in order to strengthen the representation of the committee in certain phases of runoff research. Norbert H. Leupold submitted his resignation in April because his work is no longer directly related to runoff‐research.

At the beginning of the year members of the committee met to discuss its setup and plans for the future. The committee has two subcommittees, one dealing with floods and the other with subsurface‐flow. The question was considered whether progress might be facilitated by the addition of one or more additional committees dealing with logical classifications of the subject of runoff. The confusion in nomenclature and terminology relating to runoff was discussed,but it was thought that the present time was not fitting for comprehensive consideration of standardization. It was considered important that the writer of a paper dealing with runoff should make clear the usage of terms he follows In his paper. It was emphasized that there is still an important need for better understanding or liaison between groups dealing with the influence of land use on stream‐flow and those dealing with control and development of streams.

Publication Year 1946
Title Report of Committee on Runoff—1944–1945
DOI 10.1029/TR027i001p00121
Authors R. W. Davenport
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union
Index ID 70214991
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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