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Sagebrush as a sampling medium for gold exploration in the Great Basin - evaluation from a greenhouse study

January 1, 1995

Seedlings (Artemisia tridentata subsp, tridentata germinated from seed collected near Preble, Nevada were grown in soils containing Carlin-type disseminated gold ore. After 4 months growth leaves, twigs and stems were combined and analyzed by INAA. Plants grown in soils containing Carlin ore did not accumulate significantly more gold than those growing in control soil. On the other hand, sagebrush grown in soils containing Carlin ores accumulated significantly more arsenic and antimony compared to those grown in control soils. Results suggest that sagebrush would be a good prospecting medium for detecting concealed Carlin-type deposits in the Great Basin if arsenic and antimony are used as the pathfinder elements. Results also suggest that true gold anomalies in sagebrush will be more difficult to separate from aeolian contamination than those for arsenic and antimony in arid environments. -from Authors

Publication Year 1995
Title Sagebrush as a sampling medium for gold exploration in the Great Basin - evaluation from a greenhouse study
DOI 10.1016/0375-6742(95)00021-G
Authors K.C. Stewart, D. M. McKown
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Index ID 70018904
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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