This reconnaissance evaluation of the sediment transport by the White River into the Mud Mountain Reservoir, in Washington, during the period June 1974-June 1976 showed that the river transported 430,000 tons of suspended sediment into the reservoir during the first year of the study and 1,400,000 tons in the second year. Daily mean suspended-sediment concentrations generally were less than 500 milligrams per liter; the highest daily mean concentration was 6,200 milligrams per liter on December 1, 1975. A good relation exists between daily suspended-sediment discharge and daily mean water discharge except during periods of runoff from glacial melt. Data from samples obtained by the use of the Helley-Smith bedload sampler indicate that the bedload measured using the sampler is about 4 percent of the suspended-sediment discharge. Potential deposition in the reservoir was estimated at 750 acre-feet during the 2 years of study. (Kosco-USGS)