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Seismic velocities and attenuation from borehole measurements near the Parkfield prediction zone, Central California

January 1, 1989
Shear (S)- and compressional (P)- wave velocities were measured to a depth of 195 m in a borehole near the San Andreas fault where a recurrence of a moderate Parkfield earthquake is predicted. S-wave velocities determined from orthogonal directions of the S-wave source show velocity differences of approximately 20 percent. An average shear-wave Q of 4 was determined in relatively unconsolidated sands and gravels of the Paso Robles Formation in the depth interval 57.5-102.5 m.
Publication Year 1989
Title Seismic velocities and attenuation from borehole measurements near the Parkfield prediction zone, Central California
DOI 10.1193/1.1585538
Authors James F. Gibbs, Edward F. Roth
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Earthquake Spectra
Index ID 70015412
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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