Prospecting in the Glacier Bay National Monument has been confined so far to granitic rocks near contacts with Paleozoic sediments, which they intrude.Near Reid Glacier thin veins, a few of which are traceable for about 300 feet both horizontaliy and vertically, trend northerly and carry sphalerite, galena, and pyrite. Gold was panned from some of the better looking material.Near Sandy Cove, 30 miles away, more irregular, but locally thicker, veins appear to carry only pyrite. Here pyrite also occurs along the contact between the granitic rocks and the intruded limestone.Sparse ore minerals have been seen at other places in and near the monument. As yet, no large mineral deposits have been found there, but many miles of igneous contacts have not been prospected. In southeastern Alaska, as elsewhere, such contacts are considered favorable places in which to search for mineral deposits.