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Some mineral stability relations in the system CaO MgO SiO2 H2O HCl

January 1, 1985

Mineral-aqueous solution equilibria for the assemblages talc-quartz, tremolite-talc-quartz, diopside-tremolite-quartz, wollastonite-diopside-quartz and wollastonite-quartz have been studied at 2 kb total pressure, 500° to 700°C and chloride concentrations from 0.03 to 6.0 molal. Most work was at 1 m chloride. Both buffered and unbuffered data were obtained and a recalibration of the Ag-AgCl buffer is presented. Log equilibrium quotients at 500°, 600° and 700°C are respectively: Ta-Qz (mMgCl2mHCl2">mMgCl2mHCl2) 2.57, 1.71, 0.73; Tr-Ta-Qz and Di-Tr-Qz (mCaCl2mMgCl2mHCl2">mCaCl2mMgCl2mHCl2) 4.98, 3.99, 2.21 and 7.29, 5.30, 3.56; WoDi-Qz (mCaCl2mMgCl2">mCaCl2mMgCl2) 3.30, 3.00, 2.79: Wo-Qz (mCaCl2mHCl2">mCaCl2mHCl2) 5.15, 3.95, 2.68. Mineral stability fields plotted in terms of these concentration data more tangibly represent the compositional character of real systems and the mass transfer capabilities of their fluids than do the analogous theoretical activity diagrams.

Overall dissociation constants of MgCl2 and CaCl2 were calculated from the experimental data using the calculated ionic activity constants for the reactions and the established dissociation constants of HCl. The negative log values are respectively: 3.88. 6.63, 9.20 for CaCl2 and 4.60, 7.54, 10.37 for MgCl2 at 500°, 600° and 700°C, 2 kb. The Ca values are about an order of magnitude more positive than the conductance-derived values by Frantz and Marshall (1982).

The phase relations developed in this study have application to the genesis of talc, tremolite, and diopside-bearing assemblages in some regional metamorphic rocks, but more specifically to the calcsilicate skarn assemblages of many metasomatic aureoles. The equilibrium fluids are characterized by high concentrations of Ca relative to Mg and increasing CaMg">CaMg ratios with decreasing temperatures. The stability fields of talc, tremolite, and quartz expand relative to those of diopside and wollastonite with decreasing temperature, hence their more common appearance as retrograde products in skarn systems.

Publication Year 1985
Title Some mineral stability relations in the system CaO MgO SiO2 H2O HCl
DOI 10.1016/0016-7037(85)90044-4
Authors R.W. Luce, G.L. Cygan, J.J. Hemley, W. M. d'Angelo
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Index ID 70013109
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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