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Status of Water Levels in Aquifers in the Nacatoch Sand of Southwestern and Northeastern Arkansas and the Tokio Formation of Southwestern Arkansas, 1999

January 1, 1999

Nacatoch Sand and Tokio Formation aquifers in southwestern Arkansas and the Nacatoch Sand aquifer in northeastern Arkansas are a source of water for industrial, public supply, domestic, and agricultural uses. Potentiometric-surface maps were constructed from water-level measurements made in 59 wells completed in the Nacatoch Sand and 45 wells completed in the Tokio Formation from April through May 1999.

The direction of ground-water flow in the aquifer in the Nacatoch Sand in northeastern Arkansas generally is towards the southeast. The potentiometric high is located along the north and northwestern boundaries.

The direction of ground-water flow in the aquifer in the Nacatoch Sand in southwestern Arkansas is towards the south-southeast in Little River, Miller, and Hempstead Counties and to the east-southeast in Nevada and Clark Counties. The potentiometric high is located within the outcrop area in north-central Hempstead County. A cone of depression exists in the aquifer in the Nacatoch Sand at Hope in southeastern Hempstead County.

The direction of ground-water flow in the aquifer in the Yokio Formation in southwestern Arkansas generally is towards the southeast. The potentiometric high is within the outcrop area. An area of artesian flow exists in southeastern Pike, northeastern Hempstead, and northwestern Nevada Counties. One apparent cone of depression might exist northwest of Hope in Hempstead County.

In northeastern Arkansas, withdrawals from the Nacatoch Sand increased by 736 percent from 1965 to 1995. In southwestern Arkansas withdrawals from aquifers in the Nacatoch Sand and Yokio Formation increased by 125 percent and 201 percent, respectively, from 1965 to 1980 and decreased by 78 percent and 63 percent, respectively, from 1980 to 1995. Long-term hydrographs were prepared for 13 wells in the study area. Changes in water levels in some wells may be associated with changes in withdrawals from the respective aquifers.

Publication Year 1999
Title Status of Water Levels in Aquifers in the Nacatoch Sand of Southwestern and Northeastern Arkansas and the Tokio Formation of Southwestern Arkansas, 1999
DOI 10.3133/wri994208A
Authors Tony P. Schrader
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 99-4208
Index ID wri994208A
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization U.S. Geological Survey
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