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Structure contours on top of the Vedder sand, southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California

January 1, 1966

The redder sand (Miocene) is one of the principal oil sands of the southeastern San Joaquin Valley. Oil accumulation in this sand is controlled by structural traps, with stratigraphic traps playing a very minor role. Near the east border of the map area the traps are principally formed by normal strike faults. In the western and southern parts of the map area anticlinal folding is the dominant structural feature controlling the accumulation of oil. Cumulative production from the Vedder sand to January 1, 1965, is approximately 400 million barrels of oil.

Publication Year 1966
Title Structure contours on top of the Vedder sand, southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California
DOI 10.3133/ofr66110
Authors Everett E. Richardson
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 66-110
Index ID ofr66110
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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