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Studies of pre-Selma Cretaceous core samples from the outcrop area in western Alabama

January 1, 1964

In 1954 four core holes were drilled in the pre-Selma Cretaceous strata of the Alabama Coastal Plain in order to get unweathered samples within a few miles of the outcrops. During the next few years several specialists studied the cores, and their reports are published as consecutive parts of this bulletin.

Watson H. Monroe, who spent many years studying the Coastal Plain strata in Alabama and Mississippi, conceived and supervised the drilling and planned the later studies. His earlier published report (W. H. Monroe, 1955, Cores of pre-Selma Cretaceous rocks in the outcrop area in western Alabama: Gulf Coast Geol. Societies Trans., v. 5, p. 11-37) contains a brief description of the stratigraphy, together with logs and other information regarding the core holes, and he has provided the introductory chapter to this bulletin. Richard E. Bergenback studied the petrology of the cores, which included finding the distribution of grain sizes, determining the mineralogy of the grains and the matrix of the sediments, and having X-Ray identifications made of the clay minerals. Norman F. Sohl studied the mollusks and other large fossils obtained from the cores and compared them with other faunal suites collected in Alaban1a and Texas. Esther R. Applin studied the sparse microfauna, comparing it with faunas obtained from deep wells downdip in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi and with outcrop samples fron1 Texas, and has described a new species of Foraminifera. Estella B. Leopold and Helen M. Pakiser obtained a large pollen and spore assemblage by digesting carbonaceous layers of some of the cores in acid; this flora includes much new material, which is not described here.

The Bergenback, Sohl, and Applin reports discuss the probable environment in which the sediments accumulated. Louis C. Conant, who spent several years studying and mapping these sediments, has written a summary chapter integrating some of the surface and subsurface information.

Quarter-cuts of the cores belonging to the U.S. National Museum have been deposited on indefinite loan with the Alabama Geological Survey at University, Ala., and with the Shell Oil Co. at Jackson, Miss. They are available there for inspection and study.

Publication Year 1964
Title Studies of pre-Selma Cretaceous core samples from the outcrop area in western Alabama
DOI 10.3133/b1160
Authors Watson Hiner Monroe, Richard E. Bergenback, Norman F. Sohl, Esther R. Applin, Estella B. Leopold, Helen M. Pakiser, Louis C. Conant
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Bulletin
Series Number 1160
Index ID b1160
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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