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Summary of available hydrogeologic data collected between 1973 and 1995 and information on all permeability data and aquifer tests for the Capitan Aquifer, Eddy and Lea Counties, New Mexico

January 1, 1997
This report summarizes the availability of water-level data for the Capitan aquifer and evaluates the condition of wells in the Capitan aquifer observation-well network. The report summarizes water-level and water-quality data for the Capitan aquifer, including water-level data specifically for the Tansill Formation, collected from 1973 through 1995. The report summarizes aquifer- test and permeability data for the Capitan aquifer and shows the location of wells stored in the New Mexico State Engineer Office data base that tap the Capitan aquifer.
Publication Year 1997
Title Summary of available hydrogeologic data collected between 1973 and 1995 and information on all permeability data and aquifer tests for the Capitan Aquifer, Eddy and Lea Counties, New Mexico
DOI 10.3133/ofr97370
Authors G. F. Huff
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 97-370
Index ID ofr97370
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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