An investigation was begun in 1965 by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District to meet the Corps’ need for information on sediment transport in the Delaware River basin in relation to the maintenance of navigable channels in the river 's estuarine areas.
Sediment records were needed by the Corps to identify the principal sources and amounts of suspended sediment transported by New Jersey tributary streams into these estuarine areas. In order to meet the project's objective, a daily sediment sampling program at streamflow- gaging stations on Crosswicks Creek, Cooper River, Maurice River, and Raccoon Creek was established.
Because of protracted drought, which resulted in unusually low sediment discharges, the period of data collection at these daily stations was extended. Upon reviewing these records, three partial-record stations were established on the Pennsauken, Big Timber, and Mantua Creeks in 1970 to complete the areal coverage. Records at two additional stations, Delaware River at Trenton and McDonalds Branch in Lebanon State Forest, collected as part of other cooperative projects were available also for use in this study.
The purpose of this report is to summarize sediment data collected at selected stream-sampling sites in southern New Jersey. Computations of excepted average annual yields at each sampling site were made and utilized to estimate the annual yield at ungaged sites. Similar data currently are being compiled for streams draining Pennsylvania and Delaware. It is planned to report on the combined information at a later date in the Geological Survey's Water-Supply Paper series.