The timing of uplift, volcanism, and rifting peripheral to the Red Sea: A case for passive rifting?
Prior to the formation of the Red Sea the northeastern Afro/Arabian continent had low relief and was largely below sea level from the Late Cretaceous to the early Oligocene. The events leading to the formation of the Red Sea followed the sequence (1) alkaline volcanism and rifting beginning about 30–32 Ma affecting a narrow linear zone in the continent, (2) rotational block faulting and detachment faulting, well underway by 25 Ma, (3) gabbro and diorite magmatism, andesite to rhyolite volcanism, and fine-grained nonmarine sedimentation in the rift between 20 and 25 Ma, (4) fine-grained marine sedimentation in the rift as the early shelves started to subside in the middle Miocene, and (5) uplift of the adjacent continents (about 3 km) and subsidence of the shelves (about 4 km) between 13.8 and 5 Ma. The youth of the uplift is suggested by 44 fission track dates on apatites from rocks of the Proterozoic Arabian Shield that range in age from 13.8 to 568 Ma. The youngest of these ages, coupled with the present high relief along the Arabian escarpment and published heat flow measurements, indicate that 2.5–4 km uplift has occurred in the last 13.8 m.y. The sequence volcanism/rifting followed by uplift leads to our adoption of a passive mantle model for rift origin. Models that require uplift to create the rift are rejected, because of the late uplift. We advocate a model of lithospheric extension caused by two-dimensional plate stress over those requiring tractional drag at the base of the lithosphere caused by vigorous flow in the asthenosphere. It is acknowledged that traction models could explain the observed data, but they imply a rigid, static lithosphere and seem to require a link between the direction of flow in the asthenosphere and plate motions. Neither requirement is necessary in the extension model. The rift starts with mechanical extension in a narrow zone of lithosphere between 25–32 Ma in our model. The thinned lithosphere is replaced by upwelling asthenosphere and by rocks from the adjacent deep continental lithosphere which flow into the rift. Ductile flow of the deep continental lithosphere is accelerated by partial melting as rocks flow upward toward the rift axis. Once partially melted, rocks formerly part of the continental lithosphere join the upwelling asthenosphere, resulting in a rapid erosion of the lithospheric mantle beneath the continent near the rift edge. The resulting density decrease explains the uplift. We think that the Red Sea began as a consequence of changing plate geometries resulting from the collision of India and Eurasia. After the collision, the segment of the Owens fracture zone north of the Carlsberg Ridge became locked, forcing the northeast corner of Afro/Arabia to rotate with the Indian plate away from the rest of Africa.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 1989 |
Title | The timing of uplift, volcanism, and rifting peripheral to the Red Sea: A case for passive rifting? |
DOI | 10.1029/JB094iB02p01683 |
Authors | R. G. Bohannon, C.W. Naeser, D. L. Schmidt, R.A. Zimmermann |
Publication Type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Series Title | Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth |
Index ID | 70015793 |
Record Source | USGS Publications Warehouse |