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Transitional paleointensities from Kauai, Hawaii, and geomagnetic reversal models

January 1, 1984

Previously presented paleointensity results from an R-N transition zone in Kauai, Hawaii, show that field intensity dropped from 0. 431 Oe to 0. 101 Oe while the field remained within 30 degree of the reversed axial dipole direction. A recovery in intensity and the main directional change followed this presumably short period of low field strength. As the reversal neared completion, the field has an intensity of 0. 217 Oe while still 40 degree from the final direction. The relationship of paleointensity to field direction during the early part of the reversal thus differs from that toward the end, a feature that only some reversal models are consistent with. For example, a model in which a standing nondipole component persists through the dipole reversal predicts only symmetric intensity patterns. In contrast, zonal flooding models generate suitably complex field behavior if multiple flooding schemes operate during a single reversal or if the flooding process is itself asymmetric.

Publication Year 1984
Title Transitional paleointensities from Kauai, Hawaii, and geomagnetic reversal models
DOI 10.1029/JB089iB12p10341
Authors Scott W. Bogue, Robert S. Coe
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Geophysical Research
Index ID 70013902
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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