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U.S. Geological Survey Activities Related to American Indians and Alaska Natives Fiscal Year 1998

January 1, 1998


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is an impartial scientific organization that strives to produce scientific results that are relevant to the people of the United States and their land and resource managers. In cooperation with American Indian and Alaska Native governments, the USGS conducts research on water and mineral resources, animals and plants of environmental, economic, or subsistence importance, natural hazards, and geologic resources. Digital data on cartography, mineral resources, stream flows, biota, and other data sets are available to American Indian and Alaska Native institutions. The USGS recognizes the need learn from and to share knowledge with Native peoples. This report describes most of the activities that the USGS conducted with American Indian and Alaska Native governments, educational institutions, and individuals during Federal fiscal year 1998.

Publication Year 1998
Title U.S. Geological Survey Activities Related to American Indians and Alaska Natives Fiscal Year 1998
DOI 10.3133/70038033
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Unnumbered Series
Index ID 70038033
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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