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U.S. mineral dependence—Statistical compilation of U.S. and world mineral production, consumption, and trade, 1990–2010

August 30, 2013

This report provides insight into the dependence of the United States on foreign supply to meet the country’s mineral needs. When determining vulnerabilities to the U.S. supply, it is not enough to look solely at the mining source for each mineral to determine the potential impact that a supply disruption might have on the Nation’s economy. The tables that accompany this report help to illustrate the importance not only of the mining and processing of minerals but also the exporting countries and end uses. Understanding the total risks and costs of supply disruptions along the supply chain are beyond the scope of this report. However, this overview of mineral production, consumption, and trade highlights the importance of understanding what is happening at each point along the supply chain.

Publication Year 2013
Title U.S. mineral dependence—Statistical compilation of U.S. and world mineral production, consumption, and trade, 1990–2010
DOI 10.3133/ofr20131184
Authors James J. Barry, Grecia R. Matos, W. David Menzie
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 2013-1184
Index ID ofr20131184
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization National Minerals Information Center
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