During the 10 to 15 years investigators from Europe and eastern United States have reported fish diseases of virus etiology. Rucker et al. in 1953 were the first to report a disease of possible virus origin in fish in the western United States. Since then many workers in the western states have described various epizootics caused by transmissible and filterable agents. The etiology and pathology of epizootics reported to date have been three viral diseases: (1) specific for sockeye salmon (Onchorhynchus nerka), (2) specific for chinook salmon (O. tshawytacha); and (3) isolated from rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). brook trout (Salvalinus fontinalis). and cutthroat trout ( Salmo clarkii). The most recent historical, etiological and morphological study of diseases of viral and possible viral origin occurring the West has been reported in detail by Parisot et al.
With the exception of two investigations, histopathological accounts have been brief and cursory and, to date, pathogenesos of these viral diseases have not been recorded.
This study was undertaken to initiate a series concerning pathogeneses of infectious diseases of salmonids. The two viral diseases covered in this paper are the Oregon sockeye disease (OSD) and Sacramento River chinook disease (SRCD). Some preliminary data on pathology of the corresponding material from the hatchery epizootics will also be described and discussed.