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Visible and near-infrared (0.4-2.5 μm) reflectance spectra of playa evaporite minerals

January 1, 1991

Visible and near-infrared (VNIR; 0.4–2.4 μm) reflectance spectra were recorded for 35 saline minerals that represent the wide range of mineral and brine chemical compositions found in playa evaporite settings. The spectra show that many of the saline minerals exhibit diagnostic near-infrared absorption bands, chiefly attributable to vibrations of hydrogen-bonded structural water molecules. VNIR reflectance spectra can be used to detect minor hydrate phases present in mixtures dominated by anhydrous halite or thenardite, and therefore will be useful in combination with X ray diffraction data for characterizing natural saline mineral assemblages. In addition, VNIR reflectance spectra are sensitive to differences in sample hydration state and should facilitate in situ studies of minerals that occur as fragile, transitory dehydration products in natural salt crusts. The use of spectral reflectance measurements in playa studies should aid in mapping evaporite mineral distributions and may provide insight into the geochemical and hydrological controls on playa mineral and brine development.

Publication Year 1991
Title Visible and near-infrared (0.4-2.5 μm) reflectance spectra of playa evaporite minerals
DOI 10.1029/91JB01714
Authors James K. Crowley
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Geophysical Research
Index ID 70016492
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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