The total inflow of water to the lower Mesilla Valley in 1970 was 390,510 acre-feet. Of this amount, 43,300 acre-feet was consumptively used by crops and phreatophytes and 4,700 acre-feet was lost by evaporation. Ground-water storage increased by 320 acre-feet, and 360,860 acrefeet left the valley as surface- and ground-water outflow.
Ground-water recharge was approximately 26,170 acre-feet.The total inflow to .the lower Mesilla Valley in 197l was 282,880 acre-feet, of which 41,800 acre-feet was consumptively used by crops and phreatophytes and 4,500 acre-feet was lost by evaporation. Ground-water storage decreased by 3,970 acre-feet and 244,320 acre-feet left the valley as surface- and ground-water outflow. Ground-water recharge was approximately 33,500 acre-feet.
The average yearly inflow to the El Paso Valley in 1968-71 was 301,770 acre-feet. The average consumptive use by irrigated crops and phreatophytes was 138,870 acre-feet; the average evaporation loss was 27,000 acre-feet; the average change in ground-water storage was a decrease-of 3,225 acre-feet; and the average outflow from the valley was 96,640 acre-feet. Ground-water recharge averaged about 80,710 acre-feet.