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Water-quality assessment of Cache Creek, Yolo, Lake, and Colusa counties, California

January 1, 1981

Cache Creek and its tributaries from Clear Lake to Yolo Bypass have been the subject of quality and quantity of water studies by several governmental agencies since the early 1900's. Water-quality data from these studies showed that water in the basin is of good quality for most of the beneficial uses defined by the California State Water Resources Control Board. Concentrations of dissolved constituents are substantially higher in the water in the two largest tributaries than in Cache Creek. Seasonal variations in dissolved constituents are also greater in the tributaries than in Cache Creek. Clear Lake has a major effect on water quality, resulting in little seasonal fluctuation in water quality in Cache Creek. Excessive voron and suspended-sediment concentrations are the greatest water-quality problems, according to existing data. Both of these problems are from natural sources. Water-quality monitoring is presently being conducted monthly at four sites by the California Department of Water Resurces and at several other sites by other agencies. Modifications in current monitoring are proposed to gain further information on diel dissolved-oxygen cycles, pesticides, and biological constituents that may adversely affect beneficial uses. (USGS)

Publication Year 1981
Title Water-quality assessment of Cache Creek, Yolo, Lake, and Colusa counties, California
DOI 10.3133/ofr81677
Authors Stephen K. Sorenson, Ann L. Elliott
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 81-677
Index ID ofr81677
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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