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Water-quality data from a landfill, Pinellas County, Florida, May 1975-October 1977

January 1, 1979

Ground water in and near a proposed landfill site can become contaminated by leachates from the fill material. Realizing that potential, Pinellas County entered into a cooperative investigation with the U.S. Geological Survey to determine background water-quality conditions, and to evaluate the potential effects of landfill leachate on the quality of ground water at a landfill site in Pinellas County (fig. 1). The investigation started in May 1975 and landfill operation began in November 1975.

The purpose of this report is to make available well records, logs of wells, and surface- and ground-water quality data for planning purposes, and to provide basic data for a subsequent interpretive report.

From May 1975 to October 1977, surface- and ground-water samples were collected periodically to obtain information on certain background water-quality conditions at the landfill site. Specific conductance and pH were determined in the field. Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, trace metals, chemical and biochemical oxygen demands, coliform, select herbicides and pesticides, and nitrogen and phosphorus species were determined in the laboratory.

Publication Year 1979
Title Water-quality data from a landfill, Pinellas County, Florida, May 1975-October 1977
DOI 10.3133/ofr78822
Authors Mario Fernandez
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 78-822
Index ID ofr78822
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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