A study of Harding Creek conducted between April and October 1980 to assess the water quality of the creek indicates no serious water-quality problems. Eight water samples were collected during periods of low to moderate streamflow (less than 19 cubic feet per second). The water was hard to very hard (100 to 220 milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate) and dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 112 to 244 milligrams per liter. Suspended-sediment concentrations were low (generally less than 5 milligrams per liter). Total phosphorus concentrations did not exceed 50 micrograms per liter, and total nitrogen concentrations were less than 1.9 milligrams per liter. Concentrations of most metals were less than 5 micrograms per liter, the exceptions being iron (110 to 210 micrograms per liter), manganese (20 to 80 micrograms per liter), and zinc (0 to 30 micrograms per liter). Fecal-coliform bacteria were present in some samples in large enough numbers (as many as 710 colonies per 100 milliliters) to indicate that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency criterion and Arkansas water-quality standards may be exceeded at times.