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Water Resources Data for California, 1965; Part 2: Water Quality Records

January 1, 1965

Water-resources investigations of the U.S. Geological Survey include the collection of water quality data on the chemical and physical characteristics of surface and ground-water supplies of the Nation. These data for the 1965 water year for the quality of surface waters in California are presented in this report. Data for a few water quality stations in bordering States are also included. The data were collected by the Water Resources Division of the U.S Geological Survey under the direction of Walter Hofmann, district chief.

Water quality information is presented for chemical quality, fluvial sediment, and water temperatures. The chemical quality includes concentrations of individual dissolved constituents and certain properties or characteristics such as hardness, sodium-adsorption-ratio, specific conductance, and pH. Fluvial sediment information is given for suspended-sediment discharges and concentrations and for particle-size distribution of suspended sediment and bed material. Water temperature data represent once-daily observations except for stations where a continuous temperature recorder furnishes information from which daily minimums and maximums are obtained.

Publication Year 1965
Title Water Resources Data for California, 1965; Part 2: Water Quality Records
DOI 10.3133/wdrCA652
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water Data Report
Series Number CA-65-2
Index ID wdrCA652
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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