Ground-water records for wells in California in which periodic measurements of water level have been made during the years 1966-68 are given in this report. The records were collected and processed by the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, under the overall supervision of R. Stanley Lord, district chief in charge of water-resources investigations in California.
Beginning with this report, water-level data will be released in the annual Geological Survey series "Water Resources Data for California." Prior records of water level and many additional well data are contained in the reports listed in the References section of this report.
The observation-well program in California is carried on principally in cooperation with the several agencies listed on page III. In addition, several other agencies, also listed on page III, have provided data and their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged. Figure I shows, insofar as the map scale permits, the location of observation wells for which data are included in this report.
The water-level records are arranged alphabetically by county, and for each county by valley or ground-water basin. Thus, each group of data pertains to a distinct ground-water area, as indicated by subheadings in the report. Under each subhead, the records are arranged numerically by well number.