Water resources data Mississippi water year 2004
June 1, 2005
Water resources data for this water year for Mississippi consists of records of surface water and ground water in the State. Specifically, it contains: (1) Discharge records for 90 streamflow-gaging stations, stage records for 18 of these gaging stations, discharge records for 97 partial-record stations or miscellaneous streamflow sites, including 6 flood hydrograph partial-record stations, 91 crest-stage partial-record stations and 0 special study and miscellaneous sites; (2) stage only at 1 gaging station; (3) water-quality records for 12 streamflow-gaging stations, 0 stage-only stations, 13 water-quality monitor stations, 0 partial-record stations or miscellaneous sites, 0 short-term study sites, and 26 wells; and (4) water-level records for 19 observation wells. Records obtained from water-resources investigations are also included in special sections of the report. Records included for stream stages are only a small fraction of those obtained during the water year.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2005 |
Title | Water resources data Mississippi water year 2004 |
DOI | 10.3133/wdrMS041 |
Authors | F. Morris, M.S. Runner, J.B. Storm |
Publication Type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Numbered Series |
Series Title | Water Data Report |
Series Number | MS-04-1 |
Index ID | wdrMS041 |
Record Source | USGS Publications Warehouse |