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Water resources of Lincoln and Union counties, South Dakota

January 1, 1994
Water resources of Lincoln and Union Counties occur as surface water in streams and lakes and ground water in ten major glacial and one major bedrock aquifers. The major surface-water sources are the Missouri and Big Sioux Rivers. Glacial aquifers contain about 4 million acre-feet of water in storage; 1.5 million acre-feet are contained in the Missouri aquifer. The Wall Lake, Shindler, and Upper Vemillion-Missouri aquifers are deeply buried, confined aquifers with average thicknesses ranging from 31 to 41 feet. The Harrisburg and Big Sioux aquifers are shallow, water-table aquifers with average thicknesses of 26 and 28 feet, respectively. The Parker-Centerville, Newton Hills, and Brule Creek aquifers are buried, confined aquifers with average thicknesses ranging from 33 to 36 feet. The Lower Vermillion-Missouri aquifer is a buried, confined aquifer with an average thickness of 99 feet. The Missouri aquifer is confined in the northeastern portion of the aquifer and is a shallow, water-table aquifer elsewhere with average cumulative thickness of 84 feet.
Publication Year 1994
Title Water resources of Lincoln and Union counties, South Dakota
DOI 10.3133/wri934195
Authors C. A. Niehus
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 93-4195
Index ID wri934195
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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