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Water-resources reconnaissance of Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska

January 1, 1972

A hydrologic reconnaissance was made of Anaktuvuk pass in the central Brooks Range during the summer of 1971 to help develop a water supply for the village school. Winter icings and summer flow conditions in Contact Creek both indicate that ground water is present beneath the creek bed. A well-site area was selected in the channel of Contact Creek near the school where the prospects of obtaining a suitable ground-water supply seem best. In the event that wells are unsuccessful, water can be hauled from Eleanor Lake to the school. Chemical quality of water at Anaktuvuk Pass is excellent, but any source of water may be subject to bacterial contamination and would require treatment.

Publication Year 1972
Title Water-resources reconnaissance of Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska
DOI 10.3133/ofr72348
Authors Charles E. Sloan
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 72-348
Index ID ofr72348
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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