The estimated water use in Ohio for all purposes in 1975 was 16 ,431 million gallons per day. Of this total, 15,321 were taken from surface water while the remaining 1,110 represent ground-water withdrawals. Totals by category are as follows (in million gallons per day): Thermoelectric power generation, 12 ,404; self-supplied industrial use, 2,362: public water supplies , 1,423; rural domestic and livestock, 201; and irrigation, 40. Per capita water use was calculated to be 1,528 gallons per day for an Ohio population of 10,751,000 in 1975. Jefferson County led all Ohio counties in total water use with 3,447 million gallons per day. This was nearly three times the usage of second-ranking Gallia County where withdrawals were 1,242 million gallons per day. The heavy water use in both of these Ohio River counties is due to large withdrawals for thermoelectic power generation. Cuyahoga, Lorain, and Lake Counties, all in the Cleveland metropolitan area, rank third, fourth, and fifth in the State with respective totals of 1,061, 1,047, and 1,030 million gallons per day. Water use is more diverse in this area, with public supplies, industrial use, and thermoelectric power all making significant impacts. (USGS)