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Water withdrawal and use in Maryland, 1992-93

November 1, 1997

During 1992, about 1,430 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of freshwater was withdrawn from surface-water and ground-water sources in Maryland. Total freshwater withdrawals increased during 1993 to about 1,480 Mgal/d. Saline surface- water withdrawals for cooling condensers increased from about 5,350 Mgal/d during 1992 to 5,840 Mgal/d during 1993. During 1992-93, most freshwater withdrawals (about 1,180 Mgal/d during 1992 and 1,200 Mgal/d during 1993) were from surface-water sources. Nearly 70 percent of the fresh surface water was withdrawn in the Potomac River drainage basin. Most ground water (about 178 Mgal/d in 1992 and 194 Mgal/d in 1993) was withdrawn in the Upper Chesapeake drainage basin.The Potomac Group aquifers provided most of the ground water (about 61 Mgal/d during 1992 and 64 Mgal/d during 1993). Ten water-use categoriesrepresent the major demands on the surface-water and ground-water resources of the State: Public supply, domestic, commercial, industrial, mining, thermoelectric power, hydroelectric power, livestock, irrigation, and aquaculture. Largest withdrawals were for public supply (790 Mgal/d during 1992 and 812 Mgal/d during 1993), and the water was used by residences, commercial establishments, and industries. Baltimore City received the largest public-supply deliveries (about 126 Mgal/d during1992 and 129 Mgal/d during 1993). Freshwater withdrawals for self-supplied domestic, commercial, mining, aquaculture, and irrigation uses increased during the period, whereas withdrawals for industrial and thermoelectric power uses decreased.

Publication Year 1997
Title Water withdrawal and use in Maryland, 1992-93
DOI 10.3133/wri964314
Authors J. C. Wheeler
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 96-4314
Index ID wri964314
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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