During 1992, about 1,430 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of freshwater was withdrawn from surface-water and ground-water sources in Maryland. Total freshwater withdrawals increased during 1993 to about 1,480 Mgal/d. Saline surface- water withdrawals for cooling condensers increased from about 5,350 Mgal/d during 1992 to 5,840 Mgal/d during 1993. During 1992-93, most freshwater withdrawals (about 1,180 Mgal/d during 1992 and 1,200 Mgal/d during 1993) were from surface-water sources. Nearly 70 percent of the fresh surface water was withdrawn in the Potomac River drainage basin. Most ground water (about 178 Mgal/d in 1992 and 194 Mgal/d in 1993) was withdrawn in the Upper Chesapeake drainage basin.The Potomac Group aquifers provided most of the ground water (about 61 Mgal/d during 1992 and 64 Mgal/d during 1993). Ten water-use categoriesrepresent the major demands on the surface-water and ground-water resources of the State: Public supply, domestic, commercial, industrial, mining, thermoelectric power, hydroelectric power, livestock, irrigation, and aquaculture. Largest withdrawals were for public supply (790 Mgal/d during 1992 and 812 Mgal/d during 1993), and the water was used by residences, commercial establishments, and industries. Baltimore City received the largest public-supply deliveries (about 126 Mgal/d during1992 and 129 Mgal/d during 1993). Freshwater withdrawals for self-supplied domestic, commercial, mining, aquaculture, and irrigation uses increased during the period, whereas withdrawals for industrial and thermoelectric power uses decreased.