Moth Bay is a narrow inlet on the north side of the entrance to Thorne Arm, a large bay near the southern end of Revillagigedo Island, southeastern Alaska (see insert, fig. 1). It is about 16 miles by water southeasterly from Ketchikan, the nearest port. Moth Bay is locally known as Maiden Bay. The zinc-copper deposits are about three-fifths of a mile north of the head of the bay, at altitudes ranging from 250 feet to 500 feet, and are accessible by a good trail from the bay. The deposits are near the southern end of a low northward-trending ridge which rises above a broad, swampy, lake-dotted muskeg. The muskeg is bordered on the east and west by smoothly rounded, densely wooded hills up to 2,300 feet high. Vegetation and glacial till cloak most of the surface and rock exposures are rare. Small timber and fresh water are available. The climate is mild and humid.