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Geoprocessing tools and scripts designed to streamline the workflow required to process map libraries for upload to the Interagency Flood Risk Management (InFRM) Flood Decision Support Toolbox (FDST)

March 30, 2022

The Interagency Flood Risk Management (InFRM) team’s Flood Decision Support Toolbox is designed to accept flood map library submission from external agencies wishing to contribute to the web application. The geoprocessing of geospatial data comprising the flood map libraries follows set guidelines to facilitate the submission process to the web application. However, the InFRM team understands that the geoprocessing required to meet these guidelines may be cumbersome and time consuming, so geoprocessing tools were created to aid in this effort. The Python language scripts and Esri custom ArcGIS toolboxes contained within this repository were designed specifically to aid mapping partners in their flood map library geoprocessing and empower more partners to generate flood map libraries for their communities.

Publication Year 2022
Title Geoprocessing tools and scripts designed to streamline the workflow required to process map libraries for upload to the Interagency Flood Risk Management (InFRM) Flood Decision Support Toolbox (FDST)
DOI 10.5066/P92EAYSO
Authors David S Wallace, Florence E Thompson
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center – Austin, TX Office
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