Anya Leach
Anya C. Leach is a Physical Scientist in the Watersheds and Fluvial Systems Section at the Washington Water Science Center.
Anya studies groundwater-surface water interactions, thermal dynamics, and sediment transport within local and regional stream networks. She is interested in the impacts of climate change, wildfire, and land use on the thermal and sediment regimes within a fluvial system.
Professional Experience
Physical Scientist, USGS Washington Water Science Center (Tacoma, WA) 2022 - Present
Research Technician, Coastal Studies Institute, East Carolina University (Outer Banks, NC) 2020 - 2022
Research Assistant, Great Lakes Research Center, Michigan Technological University (Houghton, MI) 2017 - 2019
Education and Certifications
M.S. Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 2019
B.S. Physics, West Virginia University, 2015