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David B. Powell, PhD

Dr. David Powell is a research scientist and certified Fish Pathologist that has worked internationally to identify diseases and develop new and improved fish health vaccines and pharmaceuticals to combat them. His broad expertise in fish pathology and analytical techniques gives him a valuable perspective to help solve a wide range of research questions.

David Powell developed his technical skills in histology, electron microscopy, immunology, molecular biology and nanotechnology through a series of research projects and educational programs. He began as a histology laboratory manager at Union College, expanded his technical skills in an interdisciplinary graduate Masters and Doctoral program focused on cell culture, pathology, and genetic toxicology at the University of Washington. Upon graduation he entered the commercial sector to develop potent new vaccines and oral antibiotic formulations. As a Research and Development Manager at Biomed Inc.,

Alpharma Inc., and Vice President of ProFishent Inc. he wrote and collaborated on multiple research grants aimed at providing new tools to help improve the health of aquatic animals around the world. Currently, as a new USGS employee, he is helping to develop the framework for science based, unbiased risk evaluations of potential translocations of chinook salmon into quality habitats above impassible dams.

*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government

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