Ethan Shavers, PhD
Dr. Ethan Shavers is the CEGIS Section Chief and lead researcher on the Remote Sensing and Modeling for Hydrography project. The project research focusses on developing strategies for automated hydrographic feature extraction and landscape characterization.
Dr. Shavers has a BS in Geology and PhD in Environmental Science and GIS, both from Saint Louis University (SLU). His dissertation work focused on remote sensing and spectral analysis of igneous lithologies. His work in the SLU Remote Sensing Lab involved optical instrument integration for unmanned aerial systems and remote sensing applications for precision agriculture. His federal career began as a Mendenhall Fellow in the CEGIS Multi-scale Representation project testing strategies for mapping headwater streams.
Science and Products
Automated accuracy and quality assessment tools (AQAT = “a cat”) for generalized geospatial data
Evaluation of classified ground points from National Agriculture Imagery program photogrammetrically derived point clouds
At what scales does a river meander? Scale-specific sinuosity (S3) metric for quantifying stream meander size distribution
Generalization quality metrics to support multiscale mapping: Hausdorff and average distance between polylines
Transferring deep learning models for hydrographic feature extraction from IfSAR data in Alaska
Automated mapping of culverts, bridges, and dams
Comparing line feature morphology with scale specific sinuosity distributions: A modified earth mover’s distance
Scaling-up deep learning predictions of hydrography from IfSAR data in Alaska
Weakly supervised spatial deep learning for Earth image segmentation based on imperfect polyline labels
GeoAI in the US Geological Survey for topographic mapping
Extensibility of U-net neural network model for hydrographic feature extraction and implications for hydrologic modeling
Watersheds and drainage networks
The 4th paradigm in multiscale data representation: Modernizing the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Automated accuracy and quality assessment tools (AQAT = “a cat”) for generalized geospatial data
Evaluation of classified ground points from National Agriculture Imagery program photogrammetrically derived point clouds
At what scales does a river meander? Scale-specific sinuosity (S3) metric for quantifying stream meander size distribution
Generalization quality metrics to support multiscale mapping: Hausdorff and average distance between polylines
Transferring deep learning models for hydrographic feature extraction from IfSAR data in Alaska
Automated mapping of culverts, bridges, and dams
Comparing line feature morphology with scale specific sinuosity distributions: A modified earth mover’s distance
Scaling-up deep learning predictions of hydrography from IfSAR data in Alaska
Weakly supervised spatial deep learning for Earth image segmentation based on imperfect polyline labels
GeoAI in the US Geological Survey for topographic mapping
Extensibility of U-net neural network model for hydrographic feature extraction and implications for hydrologic modeling
Watersheds and drainage networks
The 4th paradigm in multiscale data representation: Modernizing the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.