Jared W Wright
Jared W Wright is a Hydrologic Technician in the Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center, Duty Station: Jackson, Mississippi
Science and Products
Watershed Restoration & Protection Studies (319 Monitoring) - Mississippi
The USGS-MWSC partners with various federal, state and local cooperating agencies to implement Monitoring Plans for watershed restoration or protection projects. The purpose of monitoring is to measure change in water quality throughout the duration of watershed specific restoration efforts targeted to remediate specific pollutants of concern. The goal is to document, using defensible scientific...
Science and Products
Watershed Restoration & Protection Studies (319 Monitoring) - Mississippi
The USGS-MWSC partners with various federal, state and local cooperating agencies to implement Monitoring Plans for watershed restoration or protection projects. The purpose of monitoring is to measure change in water quality throughout the duration of watershed specific restoration efforts targeted to remediate specific pollutants of concern. The goal is to document, using defensible scientific...