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Marcelle Caturia

Marcelle Caturia is a Geographer with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC) in Denver, Colorado, serving as a Dynamic Mapping Specialist on the Cartographic Applied Research Section (CARS) unit.

The CARS unit researches how to improve the cartographic design and functionality of USGS topographic mapping tools and products such as the topoBuilder application, OnDemand Topos, US Topos, and The National Map.

At the NGTOC, she has also served as the Markup Tools technical Point of Contact (POC) on the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Partner Support team, and conducted data editing with the Map Production Services and Geographic Names units. Her prior career experience includes designing web and print cartography for National Geographic Maps, conducting GIS/GPS data management and training with the Portland (Oregon) Metro Regional Government, teaching GIS/GPS courses at Portland Community College, and serving as a Software Product Engineer at ESRI Redlands. 

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