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Se Jong Cho, PhD

Se Jong develops computer simulation models to organize complex environmental information for understanding sediment sources, transport, and fate across a landscape, and to evaluate landscape management scenarios to inform policy decision analysis.

Se Jong received her PhD in Environmental Engineering and Management from Johns Hopkins University, working with Drs. Peter Wilcock and Benjamin Hobbs. Her research has focused on addressing environmental problems, such as land degradation, soil erosion, and water pollution, from multidisciplinary perspectives, incorporating social, economic, and environmental dimensions to find conservation solutions. As a research hydrologist at USGS, Se Jong investigates integrated hydrologic-sediment connectivity through understanding spatial-temporal feedback between fluvial processes and geomorphic drivers of sediment sourcing, transfer, and loading.  She is also a part of a national water quality predictions task to improve process-understanding and predictive-modeling of sediment sources, storages, and transport through evaluation of water quality monitoring and sediment dynamics using high-fidelity environmental data and Machine-Learning capabilities.

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