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April 12, 2024

A StreamStats migration on April 12, 2024 applied plotting tool enhancements for USGS streamgages.

On April 12th the StreamStats application was enhanced with three new plotting tools for USGS streamgages developed in cooperation with South Carolina Department of Transportation, North Dakota Department of Water Resources, and Montana Department of Natural Resources. These plots provide analysts additional tools showing peak flow timing plotted with annual exceedance probability magnitudes, raster plots of daily streamflow, and stage discharge curves with peak flows. Examples of the plots below, can be accessed directly (after April 12) using the gage number in the following URL (e.g. or accessed by clicking on the gage in StreamStats, selecting Open StreamStats Gage Page and selecting Gage Analysis Plots. The StreamStats Team would like to acknowledge Crane Johnson (National Weather Service, Alaska-Pacific River Forecast Center) for his original development and contribution of code to StreamStats for implementation of these plots.

Graph of annual peak streamflow
Plot of example daily streamflow from StreamStats application
Example plot of stage vs discharge

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