USGS EcoNews | Summer 2024 - Vol. 5 | Issue 3
In this edition we feature some of our latest science and products related to water and aquatic ecosystems. Our scientists are addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation, restoration, contaminants, and leading the way in advancing environmental DNA technologies as tool for species detection in aquatic environments.
A new strategy to help unleash USGS eDNA capabilities
Imagine you could use just a few drops of water to know what sorts of animals and plants were present in an area. What an incredible tool this would be. It could be used to look for rare species, to catalogue how many were present or to monitor for introductions of new, potentially harmful species.
60 years of data show shifts in the winter ranges of three duck species in the Midwest
RESTON, Va. — The autumn and winter ranges of three species of economically important dabbling ducks have shifted since the 1960s according to new research co-authored by scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, Ducks Unlimited and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The science that transformed a dry streambed into an oasis
Nature-based solutions may seem too-good-to-be-true, but USGS is studying how these simple solutions provide benefits for people and the environment.
Dragonflies Reveal Surprising Insights into Mercury Pollution
A new study has unveiled surprising findings about mercury pollution: where it comes from and how it moves through the environment varies significantly depending on the ecosystem.
Fire, Ecosystems, Climate: It’s Complicated
USGS is disentangling the interwoven fire-ecosystem-climate relationship to better understand and predict how it will change into the future.
Mechanisms by Which Heatwaves Impact Seabirds and Marine Ecosystems
Heatwaves are in the news a lot lately and their impacts have been felt by people across the world. Extreme heat is also impacting wildlife and marine ecosystems in recent years. These heatwaves are increasing in frequency and magnitude worldwide.
U.S. Geological Survey Develops Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Sampling Guide
USGS scientist’s published a Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling guide for personnel involved with Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) activities. This guide introduces individuals involved in NRDAR efforts and other investigators to key concepts and considerations when sampling different environmental media for PFAS.
The USGS Dives in at the World Fisheries Congress
USGS scientists from around the country participated in the World Fisheries Congress, demonstrating the bureau’s role and commitment to fisheries science by building collaborations, organizing symposia, and providing presentations.
USGS Science Opportunities Related to the Nationally Relevant Study of Microplastics
USGS recently (2024) released a strategic vision document that identifies science gaps and prioritizes research relevant to the mission, expertise, and capabilities of the USGS. The intention is for USGS and stakeholders to use this as a starting part for planning, prioritizing, and designing microplastic research projects.
Realizing the potential of eDNA biodiversity monitoring tools in the marine environment with application to offshore renewable energy
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researches the biological diversity and distribution of species to support management, conservation, and resource use decisions. USGS scientists advance detection and monitoring technologies to assess changes in fish and wildlife populations, biodiversity, and the health of ecosystems. The United States is planning to install 30 gigawatts of offshore marine and wi
Scientist Spotlight: Finding Yourself in the Open World Career Landscape with Aparna Bamzai-Dodson
Meet Aparna Bamzai-Dodson, the Assistant Regional Administrator of the North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, a co-production expert, and an ‘open-world’ video gamer.
Webinar Series - Friday's Findings
Friday's Findings is a public webinar series hosted by the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area. These half hour webinars are meant to provide listeners an overview of the science topic and chance to ask questions. We hope to offer our audience an opportunity to discover the Ecosystems science capacity within the USGS.