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Additional Resources and Information about Mount Hood

Mount Hood National Forest —The online U.S.D.A. Forest Service resource dedicated to information about and visiting Mount Hood and the surrounding area. This website contains information on recreation, land management, and forest conditions. 

Pacific Northwest Seismic Network's Mount Hood Website—The premier source for information about seismic activity at Mount Hood. 

Mount Hood Coordination Plan—Downloadable document detailing the plan of action that must be taken by emergency management and public safety agencies before, during, and after hazardous geologic activity at the volcano, in order to minimize loss of life and property. This plan was developed by scientific and emergency management agencies in the state of Oregon. 

Multi-Hazard and Risk Study for the Mount Hood Region, Multnomah, Clackamas, and Hood River Counties, Oregon—Downloadable document including a risk and vulnerability study of volcanic hazards along the Sandy and Hood River valleys. Study published by the State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI)

Nature of the Northwest—Geologic information for Oregon offered by DOGAMI

Discover Your Northwest—A good source of books, maps, and other information relating to Mount Hood and the surrounding area.

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