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Tracking animals using sensors and bio-telemetry yields important ecological, physiological, and evolutionary insights. However, applied studies of animal movement ecology are lacking, especially in the challenging field of human-wildlife interactions. 

USGS and Bern University researchers conducted a literature review to evaluate the contribution of tracking-based animal movement ecology to solving specific conservation problems. In the review, they focus on the history and technologies used in animal tracking and bio-logging, evaluate how often movement ecology studies are designed to solve specific conservation problems, and identify barriers and propose pathways to expand the field of movement ecology. Authors discuss how the types of data used can be a barrier to applied studies; problems of scale mismatch, error compounding, and data paucity all create challenges. Finding solutions to these problems will create new opportunities for movement ecologists to contribute to conservation science.


Katzner, T.E., Arlettaz, R., 2019, Evaluating contributions of recent terrestrial bio-logging to conservation management: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,

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