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New scientific publications about our California Volcanoes by USGS authors

March 15, 2017

Two new journal articles about California Volcanoes in the eastern part of the state, the Long Valley Caldera and Ubehebe Craters, are headed to press.

Wes Hildreth at Long Valley Caldera...
Wes Hildreth is an expert when it comes to studying the Long Valley Caldera. Here, he is standing on Tertiary basalt lava flows on the north rim of the caldera, view to the southeast with Lake Crowley visible in the center of the caldera, and McGee Mountain above the lake on the skyline.

Early postcaldera rhyolite and structural resurgence at Long Valley Caldera, California by Wes Hildreth, Judy Fierstein, Andrew Calvert (CalVO, Menlo Park)

After the eruption of 650 cubic kilometers of material known as the Bishop Tuff, forming the Long Valley Caldera, another ~100 cubic kilometers erupted in batches over the next 110,000 years. The paper characterizes the geology of the post-caldera rhyolites.

Eruptive history of the Ubehebe Crater cluster, Death Valley, California by Judy Fierstein, Wes Hildreth (CalVO, Menlo Park)

The Ubehebe Crater cluster in Death Valley National Park was a quick eruption; that is, they all erupted over a short period of time rather than forming over a period of several hundred years. This study has been in our news before, because it documents, in detail, the reasons why Ubehebe Craters are not a long-lived volcanic system, changing previous scientific thinking.

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