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December 17, 2020


Featured article in Fall 2020 Edition of the Energy Quarterly Newsletter.

Oil & Gas Publications

The Energy Quarterly - Fall 2020
Read the full issueEnergy Quarterly - Fall 2020 

USGS Publication: Open-File Report 2020-1126 (Dec 2020) 
Structure contour and isopach maps of the Wolfcamp shale and Bone Spring Formation of the Delaware Basin, Permian Basin Province, New Mexico and Texas

USGS Publication: Fact Sheet 2020-3045 (Dec 2020) 
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk and Tokio and Eutaw Formations, U.S. Gulf Coast, 2019

USGS Publication: Fact Sheet 2020-3046 (Nov 2020) 
Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of Southeast Asia, 2020

Outside Publication: Environmental Science & Technology (Oct 2020) 
Utica shale play oil and gas brines: Geochemistry and factors influencing wastewater management

Outside Publication: AAPG Bulletin (Sept 2020) 
Introduction to Special Issue: Gas Hydrates in Green Canyon Block 955, deep-water Gulf of Mexico: Part I

Outside Publication: AAPG Bulletin (Sept 2020) 
Pressure coring operations during The University of Texas-Gulf of Mexico 2-1 (UT-GOM2-1) Hydrate Pressure Coring Expedition in Green Canyon Block 955, northern Gulf of Mexico

USGS Publication: Fact Sheet 2020-3036 (Sept 2020) 
Assessment of undiscovered gas resources of the Sacramento Basin Province in California, 2019

Outside Publication: AAPG-EMD (Aug 2020) 
EMD Gas Hydrates Committee annual report

USGS Publication: Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5077 (Aug 2020) 
Steps taken for calculating estimated ultimate recoveries of wells in the Eagle Ford Group and associated Cenomanian–Turonian strata, U.S. Gulf Coast, Texas, 2018

USGS Publication: Fact Sheet 2020-3037 (July 2020) 
Assessment of water and proppant quantities associated with petroleum production from the Eagle Ford Group, Gulf Coast, Texas, 2019

Outside Publication (Series): National Energy Technology Laboratory (June 2020) - 2018 Stratigraphic Test Well Program

USGS Publication: Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5042 (Jun 2020) 
Procedure for calculating estimated ultimate recoveries of wells in the Wolfcamp shale of the Midland Basin, Permian Basin Province, Texas

USGS Publication: Fact Sheet 2020-3027 (Jun 2020) 
Assessment of continuous oil and gas resources in the Ordovician Collingwood Formation and Utica Shale of the Michigan Basin Province, 2019


Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geology Publications

Outside Publication: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Nov 2020) 
Estimating the net costs of brine production and disposal to expand pressure-limited dynamic capacity for basin-scale CO2 storage in a saline formation

Outside Publication: International Journal of Coal Geology (Nov 2020) 
Examination of inertinite within immature Eagle Ford Shale at the nanometer-scale using atomic force microscopy-based infrared spectroscopy

Outside Publication: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (Oct 2020) 
Four-dimensional thermal evolution of the East African Orogen: Accessory phase petrochronology of crustal profiles through the Tanzanian Craton and Mozambique Belt, northeastern Tanzania

Outside Publication: Minerals (Oct 2020) 
Photoluminescence imaging of whole zircon grains on a petrographic microscope—An underused aide for geochronologic studies

Outside Publication: Organic Geochemistry (Dec 2020) 
Comparability and reproducibility of biomarker ratio values measured by GC-QQQ-MS

Outside Publication: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Dec 2020) 
Position-specific distribution of hydrogen isotopes in natural propane: Effects of thermal cracking, equilibration and biodegradation

Outside Publication: Marine and Petroleum Geology (Nov 2020) 
Characterization of the unconventional Tuscaloosa marine shale reservoir in southwestern Mississippi, USA: Insights from optical and SEM petrography

USGS Publication: Circular 1469 (Sep 2020) 
Geomagnetism Program research plan, 2020–2024

Outside Publication: Chemical Geology (Sep 2020) 
Origin and geochemistry of formation waters from the lower Eagle Ford Group, Gulf Coast Basin, south central Texas

Outside Publication: Frontiers in Microbiology (Sep 2020) 
Repetitive sampling and control threshold improve 16S rRNA results from produced waters associated with hydraulically fractured shales

Outside Publication: Energy & Fuels (Aug 2020) 
Exploring methane behavior in Marcellus Shale micropores via contrast matching neutron scattering

Outside Publication: Science Advances (Aug 2020) 
Quantifying ecospace utilization and ecosystemengineering during the early Phanerozoic—The role of bioturbation and bioerosion

USGS Publication: Scientific Investigations Map 3457 (July 2020) 
Structure contour and overburden maps of the Niobrara interval of the Upper Cretaceous Cody Shale in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana

USGS Publication: Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5104 (Jun 2020) 
Conceptual framework and approach for conducting a geoenvironmental assessment of undiscovered uranium resources


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