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June 15, 2021


Featured article in Spring 2021 Edition of the Energy Quarterly Newsletter.

Oil & Gas Publications

Energy Quarterly: Spring 2021
Read the full issueEnergy Quarterly - Spring 2020

USGS Williston Basin Province Related Publications

USGS Fact Sheet 2020-30153 (March 2021)
Assessment of continuous gas resources in the Horn River Basin, Cordova Embayment, and Liard Basin, Canada, 2019

Outside Publication: Natural Resources Research (March 2021)
Assessing gas leakage potential into coal mines from shale gas well failures: Inference from field determination of strata permeability responses to longwall-induced deformations

Outside Publication:  American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin (March 2021)
Organic geochemistry and petrology of Devonian shale in eastern Ohio: Implications for petroleum systems assessment

Outside Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin (March 2021)
Oil–source correlation studies in the shallow Berea Sandstone petroleum system, eastern Kentucky

USGS Fact Sheet 2021-3006 (March 2021)
Assessment of continuous oil and gas resources in the Mowry Shale, Wind River Basin Province, Wyoming, 2020

USGS Outside Publication: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin (March 2021)
Molecular and isotopic gas composition of the Devonian Berea Sandstone and implications for gas evolution, eastern Kentucky

USGS Fact Sheet 2021-3003 (February 2021)
Assessment of undiscovered gas resources in Upper Devonian to Lower Cretaceous strata of the western North Slope, Alaska, 2021

USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5110 (February 2021)
Geologic assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Cherokee Platform area of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri

Outside Publication: Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology (January 2021)
Multiple physical properties of gas hydrate-bearing sediments recovered from Alaska North Slope 2018 Hydrate-01 Stratigraphic Test Well


Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geology Publications

Outside Publication: Journal of Hazardous Materials (June 2021)
Arsenic release to the environment from hydrocarbon production, storage, transportation, use and waste management

Outside Publication: International Journal of Coal Geology (May 2021)
Insights on the characteristics and sources of gas from an underground coal mine using compositional data analysis

Outside Publication: International Journal of Coal Geology (May 2021)
Single-well production history matching and geostatistical modeling as proxy to multi-well reservoir simulation for evaluating dynamic reservoir properties of coal seams

Outside Publication: AAPG Bulletin (March 2021)
Organic petrology and geochemistry of the Sunbury and Ohio Shales in eastern Kentucky and southeastern Ohio

Outside Publication: Petroleum Geoscience (May 2021)
Potential Pb+2 mobilization, transport, and sequestration in shallow aquifers impacted by multiphase CO2 leakage: A natural analogue study from the Virgin River Basin in Southwest Utah

Outside Publication: Science of the Total Environment (May 2021)
Organic petrographic evaluation of carbonaceous material in sediments of the Kinnickinnic River, Milwaukee, WI, U.S.A.

Outside Publication: Marine and Petroleum Geology (May 2021)
Geochemical advances in Arctic Alaska oil typing - North Slope oil correlation and charge history

USGS Data Series 1135 (February 2021) 
Geochemical data for Illinois Basin coal samples, 2015–2018

Outside Publication: Acta Polytechnica (February 2021)
Computational methodology to analyze the effect of mass transfer rate on attenuation of leaked carbon dioxide in shallow aquifers

Outside Publication: Science of the Total Environment (February 2021)
Geochemical and geophysical indicators of oil and gas wastewater can trace potential exposure pathways following releases to surface waters

USGS Open-File Report 2020-1113 (January 2021)
Coking coal of the United States—Modern and historical coking coal mining locations and chemical, rheological, petrographic, and other data from modern samples

USGS Open-File Report 2020-1135 (January 2021)
An assessment of the economic potential of lignite and leonardite resources in the Williston Basin, North Dakota

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