Strait Science Lecture Series
These video talks, hosted by UAF Northwest Campus and Alaska Sea Grant, provide an overview of USGS Ecosystems research programs at the Alaska Science Center. These talks are designed to share information relevant to the community members of the Bering Strait Region.
Public talks in 2024 about juvenal godwits’ flight from Alaska to Tasmania, updates on avian influenza - an emergent wildlife disease, and walrus research cruise, past, current, and future research plans.
Nonstop Across the Pacific: Bar-Tailed Godwits' Incredible Flight!
Avian Influenza: An Update
2024 Walrus Estimate
Public talks in 2023 about harmful algal toxins and seabirds, avian influenza in wild birds and mammals, and population dynamics of Pacific walrus.
Harmful Algal Toxins and Seabirds
Avian Influenza in Wild Birds and Mammals
Pacific Walrus Population Dynamics
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